Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Cat Beds

**WARNING: Non-Horsey Project**
My cats are often filthy. They are indoor/outdoor cats, so they are bound to track in dirt, mud, rain, sticks, leaves...you get the picture. But of all things, they come in from the great outdoors and make a beeline to my bed to take a bath....getting whatever they traipsed through on my bedspread. So, when I got a new bedspread last year, I went to Joann's for some soft fleece to lay over the bottom part of my bed. I soon found out that the two siblings can't stand sleeping next to each other, in turn having my whole bed covered so that they had "space."
Well, I just about had it. I want to see my bedspread and not the cat blankets! So, I experimented by leaving out only my crocheted blanket to see if they would rather something comfy and not flat. Yeah, they chose comfy.
So, I took the cat blankets and cut them to make two cat beds.
It somewhat works. For some reason, they like the amount of polyfill in the pink one and not the blue one. Usually, if Lightning (top picture) is sleeping on the pink one, Thunder (above) refuses to sleep on the blue one. She eventually gets over it and the next morning they are sleeping ontop of each other. Booger cats!

1 comment:

  1. Typical! My cat looks like he could be a long-lost sibling of your two, but he prefers to sleep on the couch rather than in the plethora of cat beds I have provided for him. I have a very furry couch, although it didn't start out that way.
