Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fuzzy Pony Updates

I finished with his body hair at the beginning of the week. Now onto his mane and tail...oh, yeah, and his ears!

 The tail took some planning because the hooves ended up standing on the heels while being propped by the original tail. So, I elevated the frame and applied Apoxie (and sanded some) to the bottom to create a more stable base.
 I always seem to forget the ears in all the excitement of applying the mane and tail. I also forget to add the other muscle piece that separates the ear from head (un-smoothed-out ball of Apoxie on the inside side of the left ear).

 Mane, tail, and ears done.
 ...And the skirt.... Horses and ponies in their winter coats always have some kind of skirt in the lower belly.

 All ready for Primer (and sealant for the other two).

 This actually was on Friday. It was sunny and hot....maybe too hot to spray some model horses....and a little muggy. Who knew it would be thunder an' lightning an' rain an' hail for the next two days! That's the Great Basin weather for ya.
Thankfully, I WAS able to get the primering done (as well as a few other outdoor model horse related things), so that I could get started on painting him!!!

He's not done yet - I hope I get him done this week! Stay tuned in for more updates.

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