I wasn't waiting for the MEPSA Championship Show box in an impatient way. Sure, I would think about it from time to time. But when people started sharing their champ show box contents, that's when I really began looking in the mail for that familiar peach slip the postal lady puts in the mailbox for all the larger packages. My box came on Saturday.
I didn't see the slip until right when the post office closed for the weekend.
Then I thought, "I'll get it on Monday."
My little (big) brother reminds me that Monday is Labor Day.
It was painful.
What was even more painful was seeing the yard the next day (and everyone else's) after this storm we had Monday night. So, no going to the post office before they closed for lunch break.
Then I remembered that my mom was having her first art class of the school year at our house and would need help with the dogs. So, I sat out in the garage with them and ate my lunch, since there were no places inside that were invisible to the art students. (Due to the pandemic, Hobby Lobby isn't letting anyone come and teach classes in their classrooms). Either way, I found out what they do when we put them out there whenever we have people coming for violin lessons, art classes, buying baby goats, or buying homeschool curriculum.
Jasper is naturally a heat-bomb, so he enjoys sitting his rear-end on cool concrete or dirt.
While Sam would rather warm his.
And Henry making sure he can get in the house and bark at the intruder as soon as that door opens.
And what dog wouldn't think that this was for him!
(Henry was going bananas when he got out in the garage, because he could smell it!)
Then, my little sister, Victoria, brought out the dog bed for the old men (Henry and Sam) to sleep on. Well, that idea flopped.
It didn't flop with just Jasper - Sam is a total bed hog! And Henry wouldn't get in the same dog bed with Sam. But, yet when Jasper took the bed....look at where the two are sleeping now? ^
After eating lunch, I decided to read another chapter in my book when Lightning decided that he needed some snuggling. He is quite the drooly cat. Yeah, ever heard of a cat that drools without something being terribly wrong with him? I had to research it. What I found is that a drooly cat is a happy cat. Who knew?! But it's still gross when he wipes his face all over your clothing in his current snuggliness!
After the art class was over, I hopped on my bike and rode over to the post office (which is a short distance away). There ended up being 4 packages plus that Weissman dance/figure skate/drama costume catalog - including my champ show box! The fourth box was way too big for my basket, so I had my mom pick it up later. I literally could not wait to open up that box!
So many exciting goodies!!! Only
four of my entries placed: left to right, top to bottom: Shadow placed 10th in
the OF Gender Division: Draft Foal class; Fiachra placed 4th in the Mini OF
Breed Division: Other/Mixed Sport class; Snowfire placed 6th in the Mini OF
Breed Division: Other/Mixed Light; and Brishin placed 8th in OF Breed Division:
Heavy Carriage. I am still trying to figure out how their ribbons work....I'm
guessing the four yellow ribbons are meant for the four horses who placed in
the top ten... But what is that Light Blue ribbon for that says
"Champion" on it. I don't know.
This guy was a prize to the non-champion - which is nice to know that even though you didn't place grand or reserve champion, you still receive a prize.
These guys were one of two door prizes I received. I am
really excited about adding another SM Shetland Pony to my personal herd so
soon after Carrot Cake from Anne Field's Miniature Sale. As far as the other
ones, they might receive some for of customization due to some flaws here and
there. I'm thinking of doing an enhancing type customization on the pony and the Saddlebred, which is keeping the original finish, while adding more details and color over top. The pony already has a name: Strawberry Pie (coming up with cute pony names can be really fun!)
I love finding things to re-purpose
into something for model horses - and this is exactly what this donator did!
However, they might not pass for SM cones. They would be great for creating a
creative I Spy Jump! These were also a door prize.
Here's the Championship Book and a Breyer Benefit Show Pin.
Victoria already tried to conveniently steal this bag of Skittles - which has been her favorite candy since she was very little (called them "Skillets). I got them back. I like Skittles, too. (EDIT: Both my sister and I agreed that this flavor of Skittles taste revolting. It starts out with a somewhat nice flavor, and then ends with a nacho chip taste that it takes eating something strong, I used Altoids breath mints, to eliminate the terrible taste in your mouth!!)
Another sliding stop SM that might turn into a custom (I have two more who are waiting to become sitting horsies). He came in this fleece bag.
I think this guy (and the MEPSA coupon) was a bonus prize. They weren't listed in the prizes list. This little horse is the perfect size for a doll's model horse.

Last, but not least, is the poem I wrote back in college a few years ago that I had entered on a whim in the MEPSA writing contest back in January. I thought it was going to be featured in the newsletter. I had no idea that the writing contest entries were going in the champ book! Funny thing is that when I saw "Stormwatch" listed in the table of contents, I thought that it was the story behind the sculpture. That is, until I turned to that page and found my name on it!! I had repetitively said the word "What?!" enough times that my dad came had to find out what was going on. This is a matter-of-fact, my first publishing. A apart of the poetry writing class I took (the only non-major creative writing class available) was to enter your writings to be published in journals and magazines. I was rather unsuccessful due to either style or interests unknown to the general public. I can't remember how many times I had entered "Stormwatch" and never succeeded until now. It was absolutely a surprise!!!
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