Thursday, September 10, 2020

A New Meaning and Updates

 Since this whole pandemic thing started, there have been reports of working people finally having the time to complete long overdue house projects.

Fair enough, getting those kind of projects done is one of the most satisfying thing in the whole world.

But now the word "Project" has a new meaning.

Apparently, a "project" is now more closely related with the house you live in rather than applying to practically anything.

When I talk about projects, I'm usually talking about art projects.

That's when conversations with people who don't know you're an artist gets kind of awkward. It usually consists of: 

"Hi, what have you been up to?"

"Oh, finishing up some projects."

"On the house?"

"Uh, projects."

"Oh, OK."


Well, over Labor Day weekend, I actually worked on the long awaited project of re-organizing my bedroom and closet for better functionality (I am still working on it!) It included not just putting things in their proper place, but also...

Carefully sanding my melamine desk from all the Apoxie/Baking Soda-Glue/Paint build-up. I wasn't able to get all the paint off, but I was able to get the table's surface flat again.
And finding the reason I was dreading cleaning out my closet. The pile of denim is still sitting in a heap on my floor because I am still trying to figure out what I am going to make out of it in this reduction emergency!

This is my sewing machine cover that I need to replace..
...maybe with a denim one....
I also tried to finish personalizing my personal herd's pony pouches. This is the finished stack.

I finally took some ad photos of the succulent plants that I am going to sell locally. The first one is a Ovata Jade and the second one is a Crassula Rogersii. I need to get these sold because I have a ton of new baby plants that need these bigger ones' pots. I have a Facebook page for that here. The ads would be up sometime this week.
Found this beautiful specimen of Turkey Tail Fungus untouched by always hungry dogs (If I remember right, turkey tail has an appealing smell and taste to dogs, but always sits bad in their stomachs and gives them diarrhea).
These were the clouds Monday evening. That black dot on the left is I think one of the hawks that live in one of the trees out back. Ever thought a bird of prey would embark on a joy ride in the sky? Yep. It got pretty windy with the storm coming in and the updrafts were enough to get the entire hawk family out of the nest. I wanted to get video of them, but they were done by the time I got my phone.
You could already tell when it starts getting cold outside - the cats are in! I repeat - the cats are in!!

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