Saturday, January 16, 2021

A True Surprise!

So, the Winter PonyBytes Photo Show came, went, and prizes started arriving last week. For some weird reason, I was doubtful that my ONE Reserve Grand wasn't eligible for a prize (all prizes were donated by Breyer and shipped directly from their warehouse). I guess I was doubtful due to my stressful experience of entering in almost my entire herd! Something, I really need to control myself on! I've already decided that 50 horses total is a good number to keep track. Then...


I actually did qualify for a prize!

But, it was not what I had expected.

I had expected that it was going to be a horse from the 2020 regular line. Which is fine.

Though, with the word "Breyerfest" being on it - my family was wondering why, since Breyerfest has been over for less than six months...only for this year's reveals to start again at the beginning of the month!

Only, this package was from the 2016 South American Carnival inspired Breyerfest (now, if you had watched the movie Rio 1&2 over a million times like I have - I no longer pronounce it CAR-ni-vahl. No, it's car-nee-VAHL).

Surprise no. 2

Two horses?

Yep, there were two horses in there. The Store Special, Tschiffely's Ride, Gato (Dunskin) & Mancha (Sabino).

Of course, if you know me well enough, you'll notice right away that these two look "similar" in color to Spirit* and Rain* from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.

To be honest, I thought that the family collection was almost complete (it's still missing Rain's* parents and grandmother). Nope! These two new horsies totally fit in with the existing family!

The Bay Sabino Duchess I named Rainfest (no relations to Breyerfest - just popped into my head and it stuck). She is Rainbow's sister (right) and is Rain's* cousin. Their mother is Rose (left) who is Rain's* mother's, Sierra, sister.

Lakota is Rainfest's mate and they're both the same breed, Cayuse Mustang/Indian Horse. He has no relations to Spirit*.

That said, enjoy their additional pictures!

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