They can be welcoming.
They can be avoided.
They can be flat-out rejected.
And they can sure be annoying!
Yeah, there are a lot of changes going on right now. Not to mention getting started with a whole new school year, but just getting in the rhythm after summer break. I don't attend school or college anymore. I don't have any kids yet. But I do need to be advertising right now for violin which I haven't done yet due to getting my art studio officially launched after Labor Day.
Did I say art studio? Yes, Mini Hoofbeats Studio is going to be officially selling and offering commissions for customized model horses. I plan on selling mostly through Model Horse Sale Pages (MH$P) and through the studio Facebook page (coming soon) for other horse related things. I might also sign up for Instagram in addition to FB to widen my range of audiences.
So that's a good change! Here's another one:
New schedule. A little contradicting to running an art studio. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I focus on everything music. Yes, music. Which means teaching and keeping up with my own practice. I am a fiddler after all and have been playing for 16 years now! Tuesdays and Thursdays are completely dedicated to Mini Hoofbeats Studio. And anything goes on the weekends....primarily focusing on other non-job-related projects. The schedule is designed so I can balance my week better. I cannot (except under certain circumstances) do anything of the other on the off days (music on T & Th, and model horses on M, W, F). Of course, that doesn't mean I can't THINK about either on the off days, that would drive me insane! I am constantly planning something in my head!
So, what's been bad? The exact reason why I created the schedule to discipline myself! Uneven and unhealthy prioritizing. My main job is a private violin teacher; not an artist - that is on the side.
So, what's annoying?
Well, he's supposed to be a good change - in which he is!
Meet Brody:
Brody is the newest addition to our family. He is a Welsh Pony yearling (I suspect Welsh Mountain due to size, but I don't really know). My mom has always wanted a pony and now we have one.
How is he annoying?
I mainly take my model horse photos in now his pasture. He's more curious than the goats, so he needs to be tied. I've tied him twice, and on the second time it didn't go over too well. This combined with loosing my light left me furious enough to breaking things (not anything fragile - only a very old 5-gallon bucket lid).
This was the best I got that evening:
A couple of days later, I tried I different spot outside of the pasture and behind the out building (not quite a barn or a shed, more like a shop). It works. Though, I found that several of my model horses' colors don't do well with the color green. They would do better at specific locations at Bear Lake. In the end, I still got some pretty decent pictures. Enjoy!
There's always a light at the end of the tunnel.