I had bought Anastasia secondhand at Sugarfoot Live in 2019. She was an earlier Walmart Blind Bag model before I realized that the South Walmart was selling them. She was another model I turned into a mare through customization, and therefore needed to do something to the existing paint job to make her unique.

Penciled swirly lines!

She even has some detailing around her horn.

I realized that the silver horn and hooves didn't look right. The gold matches the warm colors.
All completed and perfect contrast in this scenery.

I hardly have ANY pictures of Nebula's process. She was a little frustrating to work with. I had tinted the metallic white with metallic purple paint that I had mixed from metallic pink and metallic blue paints, since I had none on hand. It resulted in the white not covering at all - especially over the muscles. So, I covered those areas with colored pencil Roaning - which looks better on her left side than her right...
...But....on my shelf, she stood better this way. I am going to be making an actual stand for her, since this mold doesn't stand very well.
Lady Quartzet's name is a combination of Quartz and Quartet. I practically have zero pictures of her process, either.
She turned out really cute!
Faith was originally a super light pink and was impossible to photograph without her looking like she was white and not pink. After I had success with Autumn and Starshine, I decided to see what could do with her.
It was exciting using the non-realistic colors in my chalk pastels palette! I mean, the richer pinks and purples instead of the peachy-pink I use for the pinking on the thin-haired areas. Already, she is a better color.
Just like the others, she needed some white markings, too. Since she is on the Walking Arabian mold, I figured it would be appropriate to paint her whites to follow down the behavior of Sabino and the White Mutation.
Lord Carnelian was originally the same color as Quartzet (his mate), but I wanted him a different color. First I tried warm colors over top of the pink. But he still looked too pink.
Too Pink...
I did end up layering navy blue shading over the topline, which was much better in the end. He turned out being a Splash White, too.
He has Gold for his horn and hooves, also.
All Finished!
He was originally going to be named just Carnelian, but by looking at him, he does look like a "Lord."
Behold! Lord Carnelian and Lady Quartzet!
I wonder what realm these Pixie Unicorns belong to...?