Thursday, May 6, 2021

Behind the Scenes: The Proper Way to Decorate Cookies


I absolutely LOVE this entry!

It was loads of fun to make!

The sweatshirts are all hand-sewn and the pockets are real.
The bloops of "frosting" is actually dried paint left in plastic paint palettes, then removed by soaking it in water, and left out to dry.
The cookies are clay, then painted.
The icing bag is clay, Saran Wrap, and aluminum foil.
OH! Yeah! And all that "Powder Sugar" is...
wait for it....
Baking Soda!
Yep, because you can make a mess with it and nothing gets sticky!

This is how the dolls look behind the costume. Partly Cloudy's was the hardest because of how low her head is bent and somehow the holes for her ears got a little too far back - making the cinched hood want to come over her eyes.

I decided not to put the Kinetic Sand footing down, because I wasn't sure if Partly Cloudy was going to stand very well. Her mold tends to be bowlegged and I actually had to heat up her foreleg to adjust it, because all of her contact hooves were almost in an exact line - making it impossible for her to stand.

I originally wanted to have Partly Cloudy's pose to have the dolls more upright, but either the arms were too short or her head wasn't down far enough. The thumbs up pose still work - hard to photograph, but still awesome!

You can see it better on Cupid, but they both have "powder sugar" on their noses to show their messiness. Cupid is so expressional! Especially since her human just knocked over the orange frosting!

One thing I did run into - is that it was a very sunny day when I did the photoshoot. Lots of hard light and shadows. Not to mention that this is supposed to be in an indoor arena.

Then I remembered we had a photographer's reflector. I literally photographed with that thing propped on the arena panel and the top of my head!
Now I just need to remember it for next time I need to get arena photos on super sunny days...

Need to watch the video again?
You can find it on my personal FB page.
(It should be easy to find - I rarely post anything there!)

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