Terms Key:
- Traditional (TR): 1:9 Scale
- Classic (CL): 1:12 Scale
- Little Bits (LB - aka Paddock Pals): 1:18 Scale
- Wind Dancers (WD): 1:20 Scale
- Stablemate (SM): 1:32 Scale
- Micro Mini (MM): 1: 64 Scale
Order Form: (coming soon!)
All Other Animals are accepted! Their prices are the same as the horses, so be sure to check their size with an existing model horse.
Hard Plastic/Resin/3D Printed Models Only. Please, No Vinyl Plastic.
Semi-Repaint/Etching Prices:
Semi-Repaint = Original Finish is kept in some way, while altering it in terms of adding dapples, markings, shade, or decorative designs.
Semi-Resculpt = Original Sculpt with small amounts of repositioning that's less than a Simple CM and are hardly noticeable (moved hoof/tail swish).
Etching = Original Finish is carefully scraped away to create new designs/patterns.
Semi-Repaint/Resculpt/Etching Album
- TR Draft: $200
- TR Horse: $180
- TR Pony/Foal: $150
- CL Horse/Draft: $140
- TR Pony Foal/CL Pony/Foal: $120
- LB Horse/Draft: $100
- CL Pony Foal/LB Foal: $80
- WD Horse/Draft: $70
- WD Pony/Foal: $60
- WD Pony Foal/SM Horse/Draft: $50
- SM Pony/Foal: $40
- MM Horse/Draft: $30
- SM Pony Foal/MM Pony: $20
- MM Foal/Pony Foal: $10
Repaint Prices and Starting Prices for Customs with Add-ons:
Repaint = Original model is prepped, primed, and then painted. No re-sculpting is included. (Prepping includes: seams sanded, brand removed, and maybe legs straightened).
Repaints Album
- TR Draft: $210
- TR Horse: $200
- TR Pony/Foal: $180
- CL Horse/Draft: $170
- TR Pony Foal/CL Pony/Foal: $150
- LB Horse/Draft: $140
- CL Pony Foal/LB Foal: $120
- WD Horse/Draft: $100
- WD Pony/Foal: $80
- WD Pony Foal/SM Horse/Draft: $70
- SM Pony/Foal: $60
- MM Horse/Draft: $50
- SM Pony Foal/MM Pony: $40
- MM Foal/Pony Foal: $30
Sculpt Options:
Hair Options:
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