Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ancient Breeds: The Caspian


The Caspian is an ancient breed that originates from Persia, in the northern region of modern-day Iran, near the Caspian Sea. The first writings and art depicting the breed have been traced as far back to 3000 B.C. and is likely the influencer to many light type horses, including the Arabian and most Oriental breeds. They were commonly used for driving royal chariots. Unfortunately, the breed was assumed extinct after the fall of the Persian Empire in 331 B.C. with the arrival of the famed Greek Warrior, Alexander the Great. It wasn't until 1965 A.D., when the American, Louise Firouz discovered a small herd of small, light boned horses near the Caspian Sea, while she was on an expedition for small ponies for her riding school. She then set out to restore the breed through a breeding program in Europe and keep a number on the existing population. Her efforts came to a halt when Iran went to war with Iraq in 1979, in which after the war was over, she was able to establish the International Caspian Studbook in 1978. Since then, the Caspian has been exported and bred in the United Kingdom, U.S.A., Australia, and New Zealand. Today, the Caspian is commonly ridden by children in jumping disciplines and is an excellent carriage/driving horse.
The height ranges from 10-12 hh. The color ranges from Black, Chestnut, Bay, the Dun gene, and Grey.


"International Encyclopedia Of Horse Breeds" by Bonnie Hendricks

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Hence The Reason I Don't Collect In Congas

Many people collect in different ways.

Some collect only one color
(I do not actively collect black horses, by the way)

Others collect only one type or breed
(I don't actively collect Decorators, either, but if one strikes my fancy, then I'll actually consider it).

And yet, the current popular way to collect model horses is to have every single color created on one mold. These are known as Congas.

Sure, it's pretty cool seeing how each color pulls out a different characteristic in the mold.

I mean, if I actively congaed anything, it would be the Classic scale Mesteno mold.
(I have a rule that I cannot do a custom to sell on this mold, because I would want to keep every. single. one. of. them!!)

Stablemates and Mini Whinnies are super easy to conga, due to being small, inexpensive, and the variety of molds (until recently) tend to be limited.
(I have tons of the same molds in the G2 Stablemates!)
(Yes, I absolutely love the SM G6 Magnolia, too!)

But, when it comes to the big guys....

They're all in doubles.
(Except for the TR Shetland Ponies! And we all know why that is!!)

So, how do I really collect?

Tariq & Omaira

Well, in families.

Blue-Eyed Bandit & Bev

Tyfon & Dungaree

Faith & Anthony

Rainfest & Lakota

Partly Cloudy & Sato

Some Couples have been around longer than others and are still waiting on a foal.

CuChulainn & Ellenora

Another long-time couple and they're going to be getting a foal this year!

Cascade & Drizzle

So, yeah, there's the family completion with a foal issue. There's also the stallion missing problem. For some weird reason, I have a ton of TR Pony and SM Mares.

Misty & Stormy

I know who I want to have as Wings, Stormy's dad - it's the Breyerfest 2013 SR Chincoteague Pony, Buckaroo. I've come close to getting him a couple of times, but it's either the model is no longer available, I'm out of money, or I don't have anything worthy of a trade.

Brighid & McKay


But, the biggest problem I have, is the multitudes of Stallions.
Well, it's kind of obvious.
I like hair and action.
So, I tend to gravitate towards all of the macho looking stallions with their hair flying as they're just all vin' 'n' vinegar. 
(By the way, Brishin would be an awesome match for the TR scale Epona draft resin. I can totally see her standing there, looking behind at him and their foal, with the expression of: "Seriously? You're going to do that now?" While the foal is acting like the father).


I do have plans for a perfect family photo for Brighty....but that means I need to another brighty mold to customize.




Ansel Adams

Yeah, I knew what I was getting into when I got him. "I've already got so many studs who need mares and foals! I don't need another one!"
But, it was for sentimental reasons. And I'm glad I got him!

I do get sucked in and get the already family sets, only if I really like the models in the set.
(I'll talk about Buckeye in a later post).

But, this family is entirely pieced together by myself.

And, boy! Wintersong waited a long time for his family - I got him the year he was released in 2007!
(I had actually got Shadow before Groovy Girl, who I got last year).

In all of this, I know for sure that it would be an eerie day when every single family is complete.
I also know it won't last long!!